Difference between Notifications and Subscriptions Feed

Subscriptions feed, available on both mobile and a computer, will show any recently uploaded videos from your subscriptions.

Notifications can tell you when there are new videos, share updates from your subscriptions, and can also tell you about content you might like. We’ll send emails and/or inbox notifications on your computer or mobile device. When you subscribe to a channel, you’ll automatically get personalized notifications with highlights of activity.

Inbox notifications are arranged by time, with newer notifications at the top. Some notifications may be featured above newer ones in the “Important” section, which features notifications we think may be most relevant to you. Examples of important notifications can include a reply to your comment or when people share your videos.

To get all notifications from a subscribed channel, tap the Notification bell "" . The bell will then change to a ringing bell "" to indicate that you've selected all notifications.

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